We offer 2 year-long programs: mini-cycling for 2 to 3-year-olds, using 10” balance bikes, and midi-cycling for 4 to 5-year-olds, using 12” balance bikes. The groupings by age allow instructors to focus on assisting each child to reach age-specific cognitive, emotional/social, and motor development milestones.
We recognize that each school has unique requirements. ArtCycle is an enrichment program that combines sports and art. We teach kids to ride a bicycle and the rules necessary to be respectful of others’ personal space. Kids also gain spatial ability or visuospatial ability, which is the ability to remember the spatial relations between objects. Spatial ability is important for many fields, including mathematics, science, and data visualization. Skills learned through sports improve a child’s academic performance. Credits transfer from bicycling to the classroom!


As a full ArtCycle Kids member, a child participates in bicycle-race tournaments, and the child is eligible to receive complimentary ArtCycle gear.
ArtCycle Kids will work with schools to assess specific requirements and design a tailored package to meet both the school's needs and budget. We provide a range of flexible pricing packages.


ArtCycle Kids coaches provide professional instruction that complement your school's regular curriculum.
In each program, a child's developmental, emotional, and physical needs are addressed. Each program has a set of primary objectives: teaching safety protocols, positive engagement with others, balance and coordination, growth mindset, self-regulation, and respectful competitive sportsmanship.
ArtCycle coaches are proud to comply with Professional Standards of teaching. Assessment is a vital component of teaching, and our coaches are trained in this aspect.
The ArtCycle Kids program follows the guidelines of the long-term athlete development framework.
At ArtCycle Kids, we use drills, activities, and games to engage and entertain while we teach important skills. In this structured fun, we remain focused on making sure kids achieve competence in skills needed to participate in sports.


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